Dwarfism-related discussion groups are proliferating. Here are some that we know about.
You can also search for more at Yahoo Groups. In addition, a number of LPA districts and chapters have discussion groups for their members. Those we know about are listed on the Local and Regional page.
Note: None of the groups below has any official affiliation with Little People of America, although you will find many LPA members who belong to these groups.
Adult LPs "Are you looking for a forum to discuss adult issues as they relate to being a person of short stature? Well, here's your place!"
Campomelic Families is for families who are living with campomelic dysplasia.
Canadian Site for Achondroplasia "As Canadians we have our own medical system that supports our kids, and it greatly differs from other countries. Sharing our stories, and successes in an informal supportive setting."
Cartilage-Hair Hypoplasia is for "Dwarfs with CHH and friends or relatives. This is a group for ones to join with CHH to meet others to share and discuss this type of dwarfism."
Christians with OI "was created for all, but especially for those with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, (OI). All denominatons of Christianity are welcome."
Diastrophic Dysplasia "This group is for friends, family, and people affected by Diastrophic Dysplasia Dwarfism. We do not discriminate based on age, height, race, religion, or sexual orientation."
Disability Grapevine is a newsletter, distributed by e-mail, on issues related to disabilities and written by people with disabilities.
Dwarf Acting is for "the posting of entertainment jobs, and for contacting actors and actresses who are dwarfs (individuals of short stature)."
Dwarf Adults is an uncensored group "for Dwarfs, their families and their companions that want to discuss issues and concerns related (but not exclusive) to life as a person affected by one of the hundreds of types of dwarf diagnosis."
Dwarf Athletes "Pictures of dwarf athletes, links to their sites, and discussion of LP athletes by those who participate."
Dwarf Parents "This group is a place where Dwarf Parents can get together and talk about parenting issues, and the joys of parenting."
Dwarfism Alternative Dating is "geared at supporting the alternative lifestyles in dwarfism. Whether it be gay, lesbian, bisexual, or somewhere in between, you can find support here with us."
Dwarfism List "The Dwarfism List is an interactive forum for discussions related to dwarfism. Serving the short-statured community since 1996!" With some 4,100 members from around the world, it is the oldest and largest online dwarfism group.
Dwarfs 4 Christ is "for people affected with dwarfism to profess about their faith, talk about Christian and family values, ask for prayer and pray for one another, and just enjoy conservative chat."
Dwarf Teen is an "interactive forum for dwarf teens through to talk about issues that concern them and to have clean fun. For teens with dwarfism and for teen dwarf members of Little People of America (LPA)." Not to be confused with Teen Dwarf (below).
Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome. "Welcome to the International Rare Disease Support Network's support group for people affected by Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome."
Larsen's Syndrome. "The community is for all people affected by Larsen's syndrome or similar syndromes and their families and close friends."
Latinos de Baja Estatura (Short Latinos) A Spanish-language list for short-statured Latinos from throughout the Spanish-speaking world.
Little People of Color "This group is for all little people of African American descent. Let's share ideas, chats, dating tips, and friendship. All are welcome to join, including people of average stature."
Little People of the UK 18-40's Group "This group is for the 18-40 year olds who have small stature (4'10 or below), who reside in the UK."
LP Actors "Are you under 5 feet and involved in TV/film/media, or want to start out and need some advice? How do you feel LPs are portrayed by the media? This is primarily a discussion group where you can discuss your latest roles and share experiences."
LPs Health is "primarily a SUPPORT group. It is a friendly group of people who are UNDER 5FT with various forms of restricted growth/short stature and who are trying to lose a few pounds or are struggling to maintain their weight with diet and exercise. Health-related issues are also discussed."
LP Singles "This group is strictly for LP singles! It is a group of LP singles who are looking for companionship with other LPs. So please do not join if you are not an LP."
OI Singles is for people with osteogenesis imperfecta. "This is a group where people with OI can share stories about bad or good relationships, dates, etc. Everyone is welcome!"
Parents of Little People "This is a place for Parents of LP's and LP's wanting to share with us parents."
A Place for LPs in Constant Pain. "This group strives in a positive way to be a daily source of uplifting comfort in living with chronic pain each day. Here, those with dwarfism struggling with pain will find a 'separate peace.'" LPs and parents of LPs only.
Pseudo Giants is for the discussion of issues related to pseudoachondroplasia.
RSS Support. "This Russell-Silver syndrome list is a support/discussion list for anyone who has a child or family member with RSS or for adults with RSS."
SED-Kniest List is a group of persons and parents of people with SED, SEMD, SMD, SED-t, and Kniest syndrome.
Short Dwarf is a forum for dwarf actors and actresses hosted by Danny Black; "an independent communique for dwarfs of all abilities, outlooks and occupations to deal with reality."
Short Men is "for men who are 3'0" to 5'4" - little, short, wee, dwarf, small men."
Short Society. "This group is for Short statured men and women who are tired of the lack of respect we face over our height. We are not ashamed of our height, in fact we celebrate it."
Teen Dwarf is a list for 13- to 19-year-old LPs and their friends.
What It's Like Meeting an LP "This group is for LPs of any age and for friends, family, whatever, to discuss about what it's like being an LP, and then being around one - questions for the LPs, things APs should know, etc."
Women with Dwarfism "This is a place for any woman who has dwarfism to hang out and talk, chat or just plain out gossip:) WOMEN ONLY PLEASE!!!! NO MEN!!!!"