Welcome to Little People of America

Little People of America (LPA) is a nonprofit organization that provides support and information to people of short stature and their families. LPA is only able to continue our work with support from members, friends, and family. Please consider making a donation today.

Benefits of Membership

Membership is available to individuals with a medical diagnosis of dwarfism or form of short stature, as well as their families, grandparents, relatives, and all medical professionals. Benefits of membership include: peer, parent, and medical support at the chapter, regional and national level; discounted rates at the National conference; advocacy; LPA Today quarterly magazine; monthly eNewsletter, college scholarships and support; adoption and conference attendance grants; friendship and connections; referrals to medical care by dwarfism specialists; and general support for the dwarfism community.



LPA Members were asked, "What does LPA mean to you?" This word cloud was created from the responses. Words are scaled in accordance with how many times they were mentioned. The full results of our membership survey can be seen here.