Planned Giving

Planned gifts allow donors to combine their charitable interests with their overall tax, estate, retirement and financial plans.  They often allow donors to make a more significant impact than they may have thought possible, since these gifts are made from a donor’s overall estate, rather than their annual income.  Planned gifts can maximize tax benefits and income for life, in addition to creating a legacy for the future of LPA.  

Planned gifts fall into two major categories:

 Gifts Through Your Estate 

    • Bequests made through your will or revocable trust require no minimum amount and can be made with any type of asset.   
    • Your estate receives a charitable tax deduction.
    • You can revise your bequest at any time to make a restricted, unrestricted, or endowment-building gift.
    • You leave a permanent legacy to LPA.  

 To name LPA in your will or revocable trust, we recommend the following language:  

“I hereby give to Little People of America, an Indiana not-for-profit corporation, with its principal place of business at Sonoma, California: 

  • The sum of $________________ [amount] AND/OR
  • The following described property: ________________ [description] AND/OR
  • ________% [percent] of the residue of my estate.”

 Gifts During Your Lifetime 

    • Various assets (including real estate and securities) can fund a gift that will provide life income.
    • You receive an immediate charitable tax deduction.
    • You can structure payments for your lifetime or the lifetimes of loved ones.
    • You leave a permanent legacy to LPA.  

If you’re interested in exploring the benefits of a planned gift, please contact Deb Himsel, LPA’s Executive Director, at  [email protected], to start the conversation.