Employment Resources


Vocational Rehabilitation: each state and most tribes have agencies that provide vocational rehabilitation services for people with disabilities.  These state agencies go by different names but have the same purpose- to assist with employment goals.   Some vocational rehabilitation agencies only have enough funding to provide services to people with the most significant disabilities and create waitlists due to this.  

JAN:  Job Accommodation Network is a resource on appropriate workplace accommodations.  It helps employers and employees learn more about potential accommodations.  JAN has compiled a partial list of accommodations for LPs as well.

Local Centers for Independent Living (referred to as CILs or ILCs depending on location) can assist with a variety of services including advocacy, independent living skills training, peer counseling, and information and referral to other agencies.  Some CILs provide employment services like mock interviewing and resume training.  A list of locations across the country is at: http://www.ilru.org/projects/cil-net/cil-center-and-association-directory

Assistance with Social Security (SSI/SSDI) and other benefits:  Want to work but don’t want to lose your benefits? If someone needs info on how going to work will impact SSI/SSDI benefits, WIPA (Work Incentives Planning and Assistance) programs provide a detailed analysis of options.  There are also programs that let you keep Medicaid while working.   More information can be found on this blog post at: choosework.ssa.gov 

The Social Security Disability Benefits With Dwarfism link explains two programs for people with disabilities provided by the Social Security Administration: 1) Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is for people who have worked before but are no longer able to maintain employment due to a disability and 2) Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, is for people of all ages who have never worked.